Sagamore Creek Associates provides mid-market companies with precision digital advertising strategies and solutions to generate new business and engage with B2C or B2B customers. We specialize in the health & wellness and travel & leisure verticals.

Learn About Our Services

Our clients already invest in digital marketing programs and want to improve performance and reach in a cost-effective manner. They want to move beyond general social media advertising and Google Ads and learn how to get better ROI. We offer solutions to: 

  • Get your advertising messages delivered to your customers' and prospects' preferred screens, including mobile, computer, and Smart TV. 

  • Use an individual’s physical activity/behavior in the offline world to target your digital advertising.

  • Re-engage with the 98% of your website’s anonymous visitors who generally don’t return.

  • Enable your current list of customers and prospects to receive targeted digital advertising messages when other methods of contact wane or fail.

  • Target people who do critical keyword searches on alternative search engines.